Heyryun Koh, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
1981 – 1985/02
Ewha Womans University, S.korea (Bachelor of Art)
1990 – 1993/07
University of Wuerzburg, Germany
(Introductory stage of art history and sinology)
1993 – 1995/03
University of Hangzhou, China
1995 – 1998/08
University of Hamburg, Germany (Master degree of Sinology): Thesis for a degree: “Maitreya-Buddhism under the Northern Wei (386-534) and its impact in the cave temples of Yungang and Longmen”)
1998 – 2003/02
University of Heidelberg, Germany (PhD degree of art history and sinology): Thesis for a degree: “The iconography of the Maitreya figure with crossed legs and Tusita heaven, based on the Sutra about the visualization of the rebirth of the Bodhisattva Maitreya in the heavenly paradise Tusita”)
1985 – 1988/01
Ewha Womans University Museum: Participated and worked in the excavation of ceramic kilns in Pǒnchǒn-Li and Sǒndong-Li in Kyǒnggi-Do, and of Hugok-Li in Chǒlla-Do, Ewha University Museum, S.korea
1995 – 1998/08
Assistant of Librarian, Institute of culture and history India and Tibet, University of Hamburg, Germany
2001 – 2003/08
Korean Librarian, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg
2003 – 2006/12
Researcher, the project of MingQing-The East Asian - Mediterranean, c.1500-1800: A New Quality in the Development of its Neighbouring Countries, University of Munich, Germany
2004/01 – 04
Visiting Schloar, CCS-Grant, Taiwan
2004/05 – 07
Visiting Schloar, Korea National Folks Museum, Seoul
2005/07 – /10
Junior Prof. Fellowship, AKS. Bundang. Korea
2004 – 2006/12
Assistant Professor, LMU, University of Munich
2007 – 2011/02
History Professor, Dong-eui University, Pusan. Korea
2011 – 2013/08
History Professor, Pusan National University, Pusan
2013 – 2017/04
Research Fellow, Dankook University, Chukjon, Korea
2017/05 – now
Visiting Professor, Heidelberg University, Germany
2018/04 – now
Visiting Professor, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany